Monday, May 28, 2012

Icy Fun!

We are having lots of fun on Fridays being Scientists!  Last Friday we loved learning more about ice by doing some cool experiments.  We made delicious ice blocks with banana inside to explore how water changes into ice when put in the freezer

We felt how cold the ice was with our hands and we listened to the cracking sounds as the ice began to melt. 
Most of us thought that ice would sink in water because it feels heavy and were surprised to discover that it floated! 
We used magnifying glasses to look closely at ice to see the cracks, bubbles, tunnels and the changes that happen to ice as it is left out of the freezer.   We found out  that it was heat that was melting the ice. 

 We added rock salt and food colouring to some blocks of ice to  see how salt melts ice and makes colourful designs. We discovered that the salt made the ice melt faster. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes! School is great fun here at Ashley! We may grow up to be scientists.
