Sunday, June 10, 2012

Messy fun!

On Friday we looked at how things can change when mixed together.  We made a mysterious substance called gloop by mixing cornflour, water and food colouring together.  It was very hard to mix!  We then had fun with the gloop-  touching, squeezing, pouring, pinching, making it into a ball and much more.  

What happens?  
This mixture sometimes acts like a liquid and sometimes like a solid depending on how much pressure it is under.  

Here is the recipe for gloop:

Mix together two cups of cornflour and one cup of water.

Add some food colouring.

Stir until everything is mixed.  

Make sure you don't put this mixture down the drain.  We used newspaper spread out to make cleaning up and disposal much easier!

1 comment:

  1. Science in action again! Great to make next time it snows!
