Tuesday, June 12, 2012

                       Mrs. Reeves comes in on a Wednesday for our drama session.
                       Today she read the story All in one Piece by Jill Murphy.
                       We had great fun acting out the parts of Mr. and Mrs. Large. 
                       They are elephants.
                       Thank you for teaching us new things.

                               We all laughed as we sang and danced too.


  1. It looks like you are having lots of fun with Mrs Reeves Room 6!

  2. I love being in room 6. I loved it this week when we worked out that when we get dressed, we have to put our pants on before our trousers.

    A handy tip. See you next week room sixers.

    Love Mrs Reeves

    1. Oh Mrs Reeves thanks for commenting on our blog. We really like to know that others are reading our blog. See you on Wednesday morning. Your Room 6 friends.
