Thursday, February 21, 2013

Super Science in Room Six!

We have LOVED being young scientists during Discovery Time.  Check out some of the experiments we have been doing.

Growing crystals from salt! 

We watched these crystals grow up a piece a of string! It took a few days to happen.  We made them using salt dissolved in warm water!

Which one does not dance when we wave the magic magnetic  wand over the bottle?  Why?

We found that the paper clips and pipe cleaners  danced but the material did not! We observed that the paper clips and pipe cleaners have metal in them and were attracted to the magnet, but the material did not have any metal and was not attracted to the magnet!  

Blowing bubbles and making prints 

We had lots of fun blowing through the straw to make the detergent, water and food colouring mix bubble up high.  Look at all the air in those bubbles!

 Can we make water go up?  

Yes we can!  We watched the water creep up the paper towel.  We learned that this is called absorption! 

1 comment:

  1. You are amazing Room 6 . You are learning so much during Discovery time. You are having such fun too. Mrs. R.
